Meeting documents

Swale Joint Transportation Board
Monday, 10 December 2012

swale joint transportation board

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Monday 10 September 2012 from 5:30 pm to 7:36 pm.

Present: Councillor John Wright (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Barnicott, Bobbin (substitute for Councillor Prescott), Harrison, Pat Sandle and Ghlin Whelan. Kent County Councillors: Mike Whiting (Chairman), Adrian Crowther, Tom Gates and Ken Pugh. Kent Association of Local Councils: Councillors Dave Austin, Mike Baldock and Peter Macdonald.

Officers Present: Philippa Davies, Natalie Earl, Michael Knowles and Brian Planner (Swale Borough Council) and Alan Blackburn and Kirstie Williams (Kent County Council (Highways and Transportation)).

Also In Attendance: Councillors Monique Bonney, Lloyd Bowen, John Coulter, Mike Henderson and David Simmons.

Apologies: Councillors Prescott and Jean Willicombe and Kent County Councillors Bowles and Alan Willicombe.



The Minutes of the Meeting held on 18 June 2012 (Minute Nos. 71 - 88) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record, subject to the amendment to the last sentence of Minute No. 76, to read: 'Following the recent Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC) meeting, two representatives were appointed to sit on the Swale Joint Transportation Board and KALC would be notified that a representative was also required from the Isle of Sheppey.'


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


order of business

The Chairman altered the order of business as minuted.


public session

The registered speakers spoke as the relevant items were considered.

The Chairman welcomed a member of the Swale Cycle Forum to the meeting. Mr Oliver gave a brief overview of the Forum and their ideals and hopes of improving cycle facilities and gaining more support. Members explained that the Local Engagement Fora would be a good way of further publicising their work.


part a minutes for confirmation to cabinet


government consultation on 2014 rail franchise

The Chairman introduced the report which explained that the new South Eastern Rail Franchise was due to start in April 2014 and run until September 2020, with a possible extension by up to two years. The Department for Transport were seeking the views of passengers across Kent and South East London to help shape a new franchise for train services across the area. The consultation commenced on 21 June 2012 and closed on 13 September 2012. The report included Kent County Council's (KCC) response to the consultation. Further responses from the Kent Community Rail Partnership, Teynham Parish Council, Faversham Town Council and Faversham Enterprise Partnership were tabled.

Members made the following points: endorse most of KCC's responses; the resources and timetabling would have a detrimental affect on connectivity to the North Kent coast; improvements were needed to the Newington, Teynham and Selling services to make them more viable; trains from Sheerness did not connect well with trains at Sittingbourne; explore a direct service from Sheerness to London in preparation for new housing on the Isle of Sheppey; pricing policy needed to be looked into, as this was expensive; services needed to reflect the increase in housing in Swale; some services suffered because of the Javelin high-speed service; consideration should be given to the metro rail, with a separate franchise; Swale seemed to be the 'poor relation' with regard to train services with cuts, this was our opportunity to put our views across; revert back to services prior to the high speed service; more train services could be achieved by extending the Victoria/Gillingham service to Faversham; investigate ways to increase capacity, for example by increasing station platform lengths; journey times had deteriorated since the introduction of the high speed service; and train scheduling needed to be looked into.

Members endorsed most of KCC's responses, but considered more information needed to be added to the response from the JTB to make it more applicable to the train services in Swale.

(1) That the Swale JTB provide a further response to the consultation, to include:
(a) The new franchise specification should require reduced journey times on the North Kent Line, via Sittingbourne and Faversham to Victoria/Cannon Street.
(b) The connectivity at Sittingbourne between the Sheerness branch and High Speed/Mainline services should be improved to remove the existing long connection periods.
(c) The new franchise operator should be required to continue the support for Community Rail Partnerships to substantially improve the quality and appearance of the stations on these lines, the cleanliness of the trains and the presence of staff to check ticket and charge fares for passengers who board at the majority of unstaffed stations along the Swale line.

(2) That the responses to the consultation, noted above, be endorsed and included in the response.

faversham streetscape strategies


(a) faversham creek streetscape strategy

The Senior Planner introduced the report which outlined the key aspects of the Faversham Creek Streetscape Strategy, which seeks to extend town centre streetscape enhancements to the creek side area and forms part of the background to the Faversham Creek Neighbourhood Plan.

(1) That the Faversham Creek Streetscape Strategy, as part of the evidence base for the Faversham Creek Neighbourhood Plan, and as the basis for creek streetscape enhancements in the future, be endorsed.

various waiting restrictions

The Engineer introduced the report which provided a summary of the recent consultations carried out for various proposed waiting restrictions in the Borough. He advised that Eastchurch Parish Council had revised their request for restrictions in the High Street, Eastchurch and this matter would therefore be deferred, pending further consultation.

Mr Peter Mitchell, a local resident, spoke in favour of proposed restrictions at Cranbrook Drive/Tunstall Road, Sittingbourne. He outlined the problems that were presently cause by parking, especially near the junction, a reduction in sight lines and parking on both sides of the road led to it being a one-way road, which was hazardous as this was also a bus route. He suggested that parking restrictions were needed at least on one side of the road.

Discussion ensued on the consultation process and lack of responses, the criteria for restrictions to be put in place, the need for prioritising cases due to limited funds and that illegal parking should be enforced. Some Members considered that as the majority of residents were in favour of the proposal; their feedback should be taken into consideration.

Officers were thanked for the work they had carried out with regard to the proposals at Belvedere Road, Faversham.

(1) That waiting restrictions are installed at the lay-by, A2, Newington.
(2) That waiting restrictions are deferred on the High Street, Eastchurch, following requested amendments and the requirement for further consultation.
(3) That waiting restrictions are progressed at Cranbrook Drive/Tunstall Road, Sittingbourne as in Annex A on the report.
(4) That the results of the initial consultation on parking in Belvedere Road, Faversham be noted and that sections of double yellow lines along Belvedere Road be included in the next Traffic Regulation Order without the need for further informal consultation with residents.

formal objections to traffic regulation order

The Engineer introduced the report which provided a summary of formal objections received to the recently advertised Traffic Regulation Orders for the Swale Area.

Mr Trevor Alabaster, a local resident, spoke against the double yellow lines proposed at the previous meeting for Capel Road/Whitehall Road, Sittingbourne, but was in favour of single yellow lines, which enabled traffic to move more easily. He considered that double yellow lines were inconvenient to trades people. Mr Alabaster presented a petition to the Board.

The Engineer explained that the proposals from the previous meeting would be removed from the Traffic Regulation Order, pending the views of further consultation following the receipt of the petition.

The Engineer reported that further correspondence had been received with regard to the proposed installation of double yellow lines at Mountfield, Faversham.

(1) That the petition be received and further consultation be carried out on the proposed parking restrictions at Capel Road, Sittingbourne.
(2) That Officers proceed with the restrictions as stated in the Traffic Regulation Orders, with regard to the double yellow lines on the bend in Mountfield, Faversham and the objectors to be advised accordingly.

swale winter local plan

This report outlined the arrangements that have been made by Kent County Council to provide a local winter service in the event of an operational snow alert.

The District Manager for Swale advised that measures were in place and KCC were well prepared for the winter ahead. He bought Members' attention to the amendments in salt bin locations and salting routes. In response to a question about lack of salting in the Davington area, the District Manager advised that the maps included in the report showed where shovelling/hand clearance of snow was carried out and Davington was included on the salting route. He welcomed the involvement of community groups and local residents to ensure that salt bins/bags were adequately located.

Members welcomed the report and advised the District Manager where amendments needed to be made with regard to updating some of the schools listed in the report, as they were not all correctly named.

(1) That the report be noted.

faversham streetscape strategies


(b) faversham town centre streetscape strategy - court street update

This report provided an update on the progress in delivering the environmental improvements and re-paving works in Court Street, Faversham.

(1) That the report be noted.

update on signage

The District Manager explained that signage had been completed on the Rushenden Relief Road, the Sittingbourne Industrial Estate and the B2231 (A2500) at the end of August 2012.

The District Manager answered Members' queries, including signage at Ridham Dock, and Staplehurst Road. The Chairman requested that a further report be submitted to the next meeting to include details of signage requests; location of signage; funding and timeframes.

(1) That the verbal update be noted and a more detailed report be submitted to the next meeting.

highway works programme 2012/13

The report provided an update and summarised the identified schemes that have been programmed for construction in 2012/13.

Members of the Board made comments on the work set out within the appendices.

The District Manager agreed to provide an update to Councillor Bobbin on the monitoring being carried out at The Street, Boughton. He also agreed to provide an update to Faversham Town Council and Councillor Gates on the street columns that had been replaced in Stone Street, Faversham.

The Chairman requested that an up-to-date list of adopted roads be included in the report at the next meeting.

(1) That the report be noted.

progress update

Members considered the report that gave an update on the progress made regarding various schemes in the Borough, and Officers answered Members' questions. Members considered the report page by page.

417/12/11 - The Member Highway Fund Team Leader bought Members' attention to the report included in the tabled papers which outlined the results and conclusions of the consultation carried out within the Tunstall parish on the parking issues outside Tunstall School. She explained that support was given to the implementation of double yellow lines and 'school keep clear' markings.

The Chairman advised that a planning application for parking spaces in an adjoining orchard was going to be submitted.

Members agreed that the preferred option of double yellow lines and zig-zag lines, as shown in the consultation document, be proceeded.

(1) That the Progress Update report be noted.

information items - environment, highways and waste policy, overview and scrutiny committee (kcc)

(1) That the reports be noted.

exclusion of the press and public


(1) That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

part a minutes for confirmation to cabinet


disabled bay installations

(1) That the report be noted and the following bays be installed:

3 Harold Street, Queenborough
49 Granville Road, Sheerness
151 Coronation Road, Sheerness
9 Goodnestone Road, Sittingbourne
52 William Street, Sittingbourne
9 Canterbury Road, Sittingbourne
11 Goodnestone Road, Sittingbourne
34 Saffron Way, Sittingbourne
13 Borden Lane, Sittingbourne
3 Forge Gardens, The Street, Doddington
52 Horselees Road, Boughton
19 Kingsnorth Road, Faversham
All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting